Entertainment Itineraries

Planning a trip to Windsor Essex?

Use our itineraries to plan the perfect experience in Windsor Essex! Click on the icons below for our suggested day or weekend trips - and click the DOWNLOAD button to get a stop-by-stop itinerary to send directly to your phone or computer.

Want to create your own experience? Click here and create your itinerary based on the dates your visiting, what's going on, where you want to explore and who you're travelling in three easy steps.


Go on a two-wheeled adventure in Windsor Essex🚲 The region has miles of trails to explore. Download a copy of our Cycle tourism map at visitwindsoressex.com/bike to start your planning! #YQG #WindsorEssex #DiscoverON #DiscoverYQG #DiscoverCanada #OntSouthwest


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Are you a vegan or vegetarian looking for a delicious place to eat? Check out @taloolacafe, the "Best Plant-based Eatery" as voted for in our 9th Annual Best of Windsor Essex Awards by locals! Be sure to visit bestofwindsoressex.ca for a list of all the winners! #YQG #WindsorEssex #DiscoverON #DiscoverYQG #DiscoverCanada #OntSouthwest #foodie #veganfood ...

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Enjoy the spring weather with your four-legged friend! Take a stroll through Point Pelee National Park and appreciate the great outdoors πŸ• 🌞 #YQG #WindsorEssex #DiscoverON #DiscoverYQG #DiscoverCanada #OntSouthwest


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